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Muslim Icon
Friday, November 02, 2018 | 08:53 | 0 comment(s)
Salam and hello there. For this post, I will talk about a particular Muslim icon that I really look up to. Her name is Saidatina Khadijah binti Khuwailid (r.a.). After a rather thorough research on her, here are some of her information that I can provide you with. I will also include why I look up to her, later in the post. Let's start.

Everyone knows who Khadijah is. She is the first wife of Rasulullah (p.b.u.h.). And she was so much more than that. Khadijah is regarded as one of the most important female figures in Islam. Our prophet was married to her for 25 years. She was the first female and person to become a follower of Muhammad. Muhammad was married to her until her death and Khadijah was the only wife to be married to Muhammad in monogamy, thus sometimes regarded as Muhammad's most beloved. She is regarded as one of the most important women in Islam, and in terms of the progression of Islam, the most important out of all of Muhammad's wives.

Khadijah was a very successful merchant. It is said that when the Quraysh's trade caravans gathered to embark upon their summer journey to Syria or winter journey to Yemen, Khadijah's caravan equalled the caravans of all other traders of the Quraysh put together.

So why do I look up to Khadijah so much? First and foremost, for her kindness. During her lifetime, it is said that she fed and clothed the poor, assisted her relatives financially and provided marriage portions for poor relations. This also showed her humility, how she is humble in everyting she does despite earning a lot due to her success. These two other attributes--humble and successful--are also what I admire so much about her.

Khadijah was known to be comforting and very soft towards our Prophet Muhammad. The part where she calmed Muhammad down when he just got back from his encounter with the Angel Gabriel in Hira' Cave, really shows just how much of a calm person she was, how much she was able to soothe our Prophet in his despair.

The first woman to accept Islam, Prophet Muhammad's first wife, a successful merchant, very humble and always helping the needing; these are what made me choose Khadija as the Muslim icon that I look up to. I wish to grow up, with her attributes someday. She really has inspired me to become a better Muslim. Her legacy will always be cherished and remembered.
| 08:49 | 0 comment(s)
Hello. This is probably going to be shorter than usual but I'm here to talk about the one soul I cherish the most, and that is my pet cat, Pogo.

Growing up, I've always been very fond of animals, especially cats. So when my parents decided to have a cat, and were ready for a full commitment towards it, I was beyond ecstatic.

Pogo is a mixed persian, and he was full on white when we first got him. (Fun fact: my parents got him from for RM300 haha). He has now grown into a full adult, almost reaching 2 years of age, and he's no longer as white as he's supposed to be, hahaha. It's probably all the dirt he picked up from being outside the house.

Everyone in the house loves him. Even my dad, who's never been fond of cats, is now warming up to him. He'd ask Pogo if he has eaten, and would make small talk with him. It's hilarious to watch. As for my mom, well she spoils Pogo the most. And it seems like Pogo also favors my mom the most. My sister and I love him equally, which is a lot. And my brother... well, he likes to bully Pogo. I guess it's his way of showing love and affection. It's okay, my sister and I are always nagging at him for bullying Pogo.

So here are some of the best pictures of Pogo, hehe.

Everyone who knows me would know how much I involve Pogo in my daily life. I hope he stays long in our lives, for he has definitely made mine deliberately better.
Thursday, November 01, 2018 | 17:29 | 0 comment(s)

Henlo. So to make things easier, I think I'll put a simple biodata about me here, let's go the old school style.

Name: Ayunni Jasmine binti Abdul Aziz @ Muhiyiddin
Kuliyyah: Kuliyyah of Science
Department: Computational and Theoretical Sciences
Nickname(s): Nooni, Noni, Non, Noons, Ayu, Amin
Birthdate: 21/6/1999
Current age: 19
No. of siblings: 3
Currently residing: Bukit Antarabangsa
Hobbies: Reading, writing, watching the Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural series, listening to music every chance I get

Honestly... I don't know what else to add in there. Should I put my parents' names? My full address? I don't think they're of much importance... Oh well. I guess you'll just have to be my friend if you'd like to get to know about me more!

Au revoir, see you in another post!

graphic design is my passion :-)
| 17:15 | 0 comment(s)
Hello there. I don't know why I decided to make a whole post about this, but here we are. Okay but before we go further, let's be honest, I'm not even that much of an expert in this field. I guess I just needed more stuff to talk about? Maybe. Alright, moving on.

My expertise only goes as far as designing book covers for Wattpad. Yep. So long story short, after SPM. I didn't have a phone at the time, because I broke mine during SPM, and I had to borrow my sister's tablet. And from there, I started getting into Wattpad. Writing... and surprisingly, designing.

I think it all started when I had all these crazy ideas for a lot of stories, but I can't seem to find anything that might be a good cover for each of them. I'll have you know that on Wattpad, it's a whole community. There are people taking requests on making covers, writing prompts, even ghostwriting.

So I reached out to the ones who make covers. Tried explaining to them the concept that I find myself imagining for my book cover to them as best I could, but nothing ever feels... right. So one day I decided, well, if no one can make me the cover I want, guess I'll just have to do it myself.

And so I did. I started learning how, taking baby steps along the way. It was surprisingly easy, and overall it was a pretty enjoyable experience. I eventually started making covers for contests and other people. Something about it is very calming, it pretty much brought solace to me. Another form of escapade, if you will. Well, besides reading and writing, of course. (I sound like a typical college nerd :,))

I have 2 books up on Wattpad where I've compiled all of my very mediocre and generic (not to mention overly simple) cover designs, if you would like to check them out.

For the contests I've entered, click here.
For the ones I've made for other people, click here.

I'm also going to include some of my works that are my favourite. Odd flex, right? But oh well.

Whew... Aaaand that's it for now. See you in another post!
| 11:29 | 0 comment(s)
So as you might have already known, I have a strong love towards reading. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you should probably read this entry first. But it’s entirely optional though, no obligations whatsoever.

Alright, let’s get back on track. I grew up loving to read so much that it had sparked yet another passion inside me: writing.

There are numerous reasons as to why I love to write. One of the main ones that I have held onto for as long as I can remember is because of all the books and poems and anything that I have read, it’s safe to say that almost none of them resonated most with what I would want to read. With what I would connect with.

I really have put a lot of thought into this. If I haven’t found anything that I actually want to read, if I haven’t found any piece that I could fully resonate and connect with, why don’t I make my own? The idea seemed absurd at first, but eventually it just made sense. I should just give it a try, there’s really no harm in it.

And so I started writing. And I continued on, until it became a part of me. It became a habit. Something I’ll always turn to at the end of the day. Eventually... it became a platform where I can express myself. Now this is the second reason as to why I write. As an expression. At times where I feel like I don’t have anyone to talk to, or at times where I feel like there’s really nothing else I can do about what I’m feeling and the situations I find myself in; I would sit down, and write. Anything that comes to mind, in any form, I would just write it down. And it feels good.

I guess you can say that writing is my solace. Which is why when I heard that writing a blog about yourself will be a legitimate assignment for this course, I had to admit that I was a tad bit excited. Finally! An assignment where I get to write, anything that I want. Being a Math major really means you don’t get to write a lot (except for Dr. Pah’s Reflection Assignments, lol) so this assignment means a lot to me.

Anyways, I really don’t want to drag this part longer than it should, so I’m just gonna drop a few of my writings here, as well as a link to my Wattpad story that I’ve been working on. It’s just a compilation of the pieces I’ve written, no big deal. It would be cool if you would check them out though, I’d truly appreciate it :’)

So I think that’s all for now. See you in the next post!

Some of my writings:

You can also check my Wattpad profile, where I have more of these here.

P/S: I also have two books of my simple cover designs, but I think I'll explain later in another post ;)

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